Chapter 6

As the leader of the group, Liam decided to make a stop in a gasoline station because he knew that Andy needed to pee and also for them to rest a little. As they got off their big bikes, all eyes were on them, not only because of their rides but also because the guys looked ruggedly handsome. The girls were bewitched and men were jealous. When Andy removed her helmet, men were fascinated, girls dropped their jaws. "A woman riding a bike! Woah! That's unbelievable!" Some of the comments of the bystanders at the place.

"Cuz Nile, please buy me a black coffee." Andy said before she entered the girl's washroom. Nile nodded. The guys went out of the men's washroom and sat on the chairs available outside a mini store beside the station. Marlou, Chris, and Nile bought coffee. The girls were thrilled especially when the Torres cousins and Blake were looking at them and smiling. There were romantic excitement among the girls. The men were looking for someone and when Andy went out of the washroom, they froze, as if they were looking on an angel from heaven. Someone from the crown did have the guts to approach Andy. Liam saw the man and stood up but didn't move. He'll just observe but if there's a need to interfere, he'll go, same with the rest. They knew Andy can handle any situation but of course, she's their princess and no one is allowed to touch her.

"Hi, miss! Riding a bike was totally cool and it's more awesome that a beautiful lady rode it. I'm Gray, and you are?" Gray said while gesturing a handshake. Andy shaked his hands and said, "You see those guys? All of them were 10th degree black belts and for me, im a fighter in Muay Thai. Wanna try?" Andy said seriously that made Gray's face white in color. Gray immediately left Andy that made the latter grinned.

"Who was that?" Peewee asked. "He's Gray." Andy aswered. "What did you say to him that made him ran like a dog?" Jay asked curiously. "I just said that you guys were black belters and I'm into muay thai." Andy said smiling. "You're really a bad girl!" Chris said laughing. "Casper and Jayden were only the two persons that can't be threatened by my acts." Andy said pouting her lips. She remembered that when she said to Casper and Jayden that she's into Muay Thai and her cousins were into Taekwondo, she only received a pat on the head. Later, she knew that both of her suitors were into the same field as her cousins. "And maybe, another one is coming." Chris said looking at Blake. Andy just shrugged her shoulders having no idea of who's Chris was talking about.

After their coffee break and little chatting, they rode the bikes and continued their trip.

Atlast, Casa Mia. A private resort bought by Blake. Safe haven for him if he wants to refresh his mind and body away from the stresses of works. Inside the resort was a three storey house. There's a gazebo on the right and inside were 2 pool tables and a mini bar with expensive wines displayed. And on the left, a parking lot that can occupy all their big bikes. Behind the house, a jacuzzi, a hot spring, and a pool. There's also hammocks and pool chairs for relaxation.

Inside the house, the living room, kitchen, and two bathrooms on the first floor. Five bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on the second floor. On the third floor, an infinity pool.

The whole area was surrounded with high fences. There were two guards and two caretakers. The guard immediately opened the gate when Blake sounded his horn. Willa, Mia, and Ace (Blake's assistant) arrived 1 hour ago and finished unpacking their things. Max and Molly were patiently waiting for their masters to come. When Molly heard Blake's horn, she barked and wagged her tail. One by one, they parked their bikes on the garage. When Max saw Andy, He barked and hurriedly approached her. "Hello there, baby. How's the ride with Auntie Mia?" Andy said caressing Max's fur. Max wagged his tail enjoying Andy's touches. Ace, just like the others, can't withdraw his gaze to Andy. He only move when Blake coughed, and when he looked at his boss, he saw "back off" sign in his eyes.

The caretakers have prepared breakfast and snacks so the group enjoyed a sumptuous meals. After eating, Blake personally showed them their rooms. Liam and Chael were in the first room, Nile and Marlou in the next room, Peewee and Jay will share on the third room, Chris and Blake on the fourth, Willa, Mia, and Andy on the biggest room. Some decided to swim, others played pool, Andy and Blake decided to sleep.

It's noontime, Andy was half awake when she felt that someone is watching her. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Blake inside the room. "What are you doing here?" Andy said. Blake didn't answer but he started to walk slowly and when he's nearly on the edge of the bed, he said, "You're still beautiful even when your sleeping." Andy blushed. "But if you wipe a trickle of drool in your mouth, maybe, you'll look more beautiful. Blake continued as he gave a wink to Andy. Andy got the pillow and threw it to Blake but the latter catched it and then laughed. "Come on, lunch is ready. They were all seated and you're the only one we're waiting." Blake said before going outside. "Don't forget to wash your face." Blake said and laughed. Andy screamed because of irritation.

After lunch, the rest of the group proceeded to their respective rooms. Like Andy and Blake, they needed to sleep. Andy was left on the living room while Blake was outside playing with Molly and Max. Andy got her phone from Liam and decided to call Olivia. "How are you? Is everything ok?" Andy asked. "Yes, Manager Andy. Customers were coming in but we can handle. Enjoy your vacation. Don't worry, we will do our best while you're away." Olivia said. "Tell Mason I'll call him later too. Ok, bye!" Andy said and ended the call.

After the call, she went upstairs. When she saw another stair going up, she go up. "Wow!" the only word that escaped from her mouth. An infinity pool that had the best view of the place. Trees were everywhere and not far from the place was a beach. Maybe, she can ask the guys if they can go there tomorrow. While Andy was happy looking at a beautiful view, she didn't notice that Blake was behind her. When Andy looked and moved back, her face hit the muscular chest of Blake. "Ouch!" She said. Because both of them never expected the sudden encounter, they both lost balance and fell in the pool. Andy's scream can only be heard and the splash of water. Blake held Andy's waist so she could be above the water. They faced each other, looked at each other's eyes. Blake's eyes traveled Andy's chest and because she's wet, her voluptuous body showed. In an instant, Andy's palm touched Blake's face and said, "Pervert!" and began to swim towards the side of the pool and went downstairs to change. Blaked was left holding his cheeks. He grinned, "What a sexy body!?" and for the first time, he's manhood became alive.