A realisation of their mutual betrayal

Tuesday, continued ...

Anna Jones realised that there was someone there, trying to help her, and turned to look at him. She asked "Who are you?"

"I'm Hou Yi. And you are?"

Anna while still crying and having difficultly focusing on Hou Yi replied "Hello Mr Hou, I'm Anna Jones."

"Please call me Hou Yi or Yi, otherwise I will think you are looking for my father or my grandfather."

"Alright Hou Yi."

Hou Yi knew the accent, it definitely was Australian. He knew it well from having studied in Melbourne to gain his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in two years, and regularly returned not only for business but to see friends.

This made return to his initial thought was that the woman in front of him, was the woman he fell for on sight at Hou Enterprises Australian Lawyers office. He felt the same pull that he felt when she bumped into him, so maybe his thoughts were not too far off the mark. He did not, however want to jump to a conclusion until he knew more, because he did not want to break his heart again over her.

He wondered to himself was her state connected to the fact that he had seen the Lu's walking away from the Civil Administration Bureau, as it otherwise seemed to be to convenient to have run into a westerner here today. Rather than jumping to conclusions Yi realised that he did need to find out exactly what was happening.

As he did not want to frighten Anna, he kept as calm as he could and asked "Do you need my help?"

This set Anna off into a fresh wave of tears. Who could help her now. Her life was destroyed. Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin had bragged about how Jinhu had ensured that she had nothing but debt, with little way to address it.

Anna realised that just before they left Jinhu had just purchased a new BMW, that was registered in his name but the finance was in her name. That vehicle was worth well over $100,000 Australian Dollars, and the only vehicle she has was a second hand 8 year old Holden Captiva.

Anna guessed whatever he had done, would have ensured that she was solely left with the debt for the vehicle, and like apparently he had done with the $700,000 mortgage on the apartment which he had transferred to himself and the loan from her family so they could meet the bank's lending requirements to secure the mortgage.

Oh my God, Anna thought, Jinhu had likely left her with debts of close to $1,000.000 Australian, with nothing to secure it and only her wage to pay it back, most likely leaving the only option for her to be declaring bankruptcy, which would see her lose her career. This made the tears come down harder.

Hou Yi looked at the sobbing woman and wondered what was happening. Calmly but more strongly he said, "Have a drink, and then take a few deep breaths and tell me what has gone on so I can see what I can do to help."

Anna, looked at Hou Yi and all she could do was blurt out in a rush "My so-called fiancé Lu Jihnu, married Yang Lin today, as had been planned by their families, and all he could do was take pleasure in breaking my heart and telling me he had ripped me off for everything I had."

Hou Yi could not believe what he was hearing. He realised that Yang Lin had played him. She agreed to marry him, because the man she loved was unavailable and her parent's business needed the help Hou Enterprises could provide. While strictly a busines agreement, they both had agreed to give it their relationship an opportunity to develop.

He agreed to marry Yang Lin, being realistic that if the person she loved became free she would ask him for a divorce. Hou Yi, knew that the love of his life was in Australia, and he was unlikely ever to see her again (despite those nagging feelings about Anna Jones, and her connection her).

Yang Lin had agreed that a marriage for business reasons could work. However Hou Yi turned his thoughts to what he had observed in the plaza outside the Civil Administration Bureau, maybe it in fact was his Yang Lin that married Lu Jinhu, because her parents were friends with the Lu's.

That thought made he realise in fact it was. Yang Lin's parents, despite his willingness to help them, hated his parents as much as the Lu's did. They knew of the deadline his father, and grandfather, despite being a stupid thing to do from a business sense, it was simply because they wanted him to marry.

The four of the, would love to cause devastation to people they do not like. The Lu's must not have liked Anna so she became a victim. Hou Yi realised because of the hatred of his parents the Lu's and Yang's decided to target him to get at his parents, making him a victim with almost no time to prevent an utter disaster for Hou Enterprises and its employees.

Anna despite being confused realised in looking at Hou Yi, he was sincere in wanting to help her, despite some feeling that he needed to be somewhere else. At his urging, she then made her self comfortable on the bench that he was urging her to sit on, lifted the bottle and took a few sips of water. Anna screwed the lid back onto the bottle, and then took a few deep breaths asking, quietly "Could you please sit down"

Hou Yi, needed to really understand if what she was saying was the truth, and sat down beside her, and asked "Could you explain to me what has happened, so I can see what I can do to help you."