Introductory Information

Hi readers.

Please note that this is updated information from that initially posted with this Webnovel.

Firstly I want to thank you for taking the time to read my first Webnovel. I hope you enjoy it. I want to clarify some information before getting into this novel, so everyone knows:

Releases - updated information.

My intention until I complete this novel unless otherwise advised is to continue release at 2 chapters per day or about 1,500 words per day. Whether this changes will depend on the time to draft chapters. Any changes to this I will keep you updated.


Please note that I have been contacted by Webnovel about taking this novel Premium. Despite this being hobby (give I have a full time job), since I started my family circumstances have changed, in that my younger brother has lost his job, and I am helping to support him until he can find a new job. Going Premium means that I can do this.

NO RELEASE OF CHAPTERS, or minimal release of chapters

Between 19 April and 22 April, due to the Easter Break I will only be releasing 6 chapters in total.

Further I will only be releasing 1 Chapter on 25 April, and this release will not be at the generally normal time. In Australia this is ANZAC day, which is about paying respect to servicemen and women. I have a heavy day that day with services and events that I have to attend.

Importantly, the information on chapter releases will be regularly updated, so keep checking this information.

EDITING (updated information)

As I have previously noted I have paid attention to all your reviews, particularly regarding the early chapters. I am slowly re-editing all chapters, regardless of when they are posted to correct for editing and small story errors. My decision is that I will not be removing and re-posting chapters, but I will simply edit the originally posted chapter and update it.

As a number of you have commented, I should have an editor. When I commenced this I have a full time high pressured job in the legal industry. It started out as a hobby and was not originally designed to earn money therefore I could not original justify it. Taking this novel premium is going to change this.

Volumes 1 & 2 are re-edited as at 10 March. Hopefully by mid April Volume 3 will be edited in full. If you find an error in these chapters please let me know.

Once I finalise the story, that will leave additional time to go and edit the chapters.

The editing of chapters will NOT change the key parts of the chapters, but reorganise and make minor corrections, and possibly add a few more descriptive features. Unless you want, you should not need to go back and re-read the chapters, as their contents have not really changed.

The only thing from the review, that I will not be correcting some of the spelling. I am drafting this using the Australian version of English, and there are differences from it to the American version, for example "Mum" not "Mom" or "apologise" not apologize".

Beside that little quirk, if there is a issue with anything, please alert me, and I will see to its correction as soon as possible.

All I ask is that you bare with me. This is my own original work, and therefore it can be difficult to see the errors. Despite English being my primary language, I draft differently to other people because of my occupation, and despite trying to prevent my occupation from seeping in too much, it does. I will take on board comments, and make adjustments to make the story easy for you to read.

Bonus Chapters:

Bonus Chapters will be offered for reaching particular goals, set at the beginning of each week. These goals will change week to week, and published on multiple times each week. The Bonus chapters will be published on the first weekend after the end of the Month (i.e January's Bonus chapters the first weekend in February). They will be released half on Saturday and half on Sunday.

Story Information

I know, in reading this chapter you were looking for story information. Unless, you my readers request it there will be no list of characters for the story.

For my character names, Western Characters name will appear using the western convention for naming being Given Name followed by Surname, and for those from my unnamed Asian Country the convention of surname followed by given name.

I do not pretend to be an expert about Asian naming, I am aware that in some countries, certain naming conventions apply. All I have done is select name combinations I like. If for some reason I have given a male a female name or the reverse, I apologise to everyone now, and ask you to alert me as soon as you know, so I can correct the error.

Be aware that this story in part will be set in my unnamed Asian Country and part in Australia. Other countries may be added as the story is written.

My last note – I hope you enjoy my story as much as I have already enjoyed and will continue to enjoy writing it for you. All feedback will be appreciated, as it will allow me to ensure that you continue to enjoy the story.

Thanks for giving my Webnovel a chance

Your Author.

Updated note 6 January 2022

Hi my lovely readers

I just wanted to leave you all a note and thank you for reading my novel.

I have entered a story into Writing Prompts Contest 247 "Female Lead - Wishes Come True", called Wishes and Sweet Kisses.  The link if you are reading on he Website is

The premise of the book and the wishes, are set out in the synopsis, which sets out the background for the novel.

This novel is different from both this and my other novel (which some of you may have read and others have not).

I would appreciate it, my lovely readers if you could not only add it to your library, but also send me a powerstone or two during the contest, to give me the best 

Finally I want to send you all the best wishes for 2022, and my hopes that your wishes do come true.
