Getting Married - Part 2

Tuesday, continued …

After sitting down, Anna looked at Hou Yi and quietly asked "That woman called you CEO Hou. Who are you?"

Hou Yi, looked Anna directly in the eye and responded. "I did tell you I ran the family company. I do, I am its CEO and it is called Hou Enterprises. I am a private person, and want to avoid the spotlight, however in attending business and charity events I know my photograph gets taken and appears in the papers. People know my, through that, hence why she called me CEO Hou."

Hou Yi realised that he was truthful in everything he said, and therefore his identity is not a secret. The only thing he did not say, that Hou Enterprises was not the small family business that she is imagining, it is an international conglomerate. His identity as a CEO did not depend on the business size, it is he is the head of it. He just was not going to correct Anna's view yet, he would be truthful when it was necessary, and it was not necessary to do so at this time.

As Hou Yi slightly leaned towards Anna, at the exact same time she lent towards him resting her head on his arm, near his shoulder. Hou Yi's head was resting on top of her head. They just quietly sat there, off in a world of their own. All they could here was the murmurs of voices, but not making out anything said. The noise however was simply getting louder as more people gathered to see what was happening.

Hou Yi, looked out under his eyelashes, realising that he had been identified by many people, who could not believe the affection he was displaying in public to a woman, without a care, just waiting to obtain a marriage certificate.

Some started to take out their mobile phones to take a photograph, by realised the signs prevented the use of mobile phones and photography was strictly prohibited. They realised the penalties for this and decided that a photograph was not worth it due to the financial impact and jail sentences that it would attract. Some however realised that they would wait outside and take a photograph as soon they left the building.

Before anyone could get too close, someone existed the door lightly to their right, and walked up to them. "CEO Hou, Miss Jones, I am Official Song. If you could follow me, I will help finalise all the arrangements for the issuing of your marriage certificate."

Official Song's words shook both of them out of their daze. Hou Yi helped Anna sit up straight, before standing up. He then outstretched his hand and said quietly but loud enough for onlookers to hear "Darling…".

As soon as Anna used the outstretched hand to help her stand up, Hou Yi let go, and turned to stand beside her and offered his arm for her to hold onto as they followed Official Song. Something penetrated Anna's dazed state that people were observing her and Hou Yi. What she felts was that Hou YI was being courteous and helpful to her given all that had happened and brought them to this point.

Anna, however heard comments effectively saying the same thing, that CEO Hou was so romantic, to this woman who had captured him, that they could not be waiting to post on social media what they had seen, and from the woman, that they wished that their boyfriends acted to them as CEO Hou was acting to his fianceé.

Hou Yi in hearing the comments did not care. All he wanted was to tie Anna to him. Everything else was secondary including his plans to stop the Lu's. He knew Anna and he would achieve their revenge, but the most important thing at this time was securing their marriage.

With that Hou Yi and Anna, followed Official Song through the door he came out to meet them, and down along the corridor.