M Mall - Part 1

Tuesday, continued …

"It is Hou Yi. I have an appointment…"

"Apologies CEO Hou, please come in immediately. The personal shopper assigned to you has momentarily had to step out, but could you please take a seat upon entry and she will be with you as soon as possible."

With that a buzzer sounded and the door opened to let them. Anna notice that they had entered a lounge area, and Hou Yi escorted Anna to a couch that would be big enough for the two of them to sit side by side.

Just as they sat down, in arrived a young woman, "Hello CEO Hou. People call me Sadie, and I am the personal shopper assigned to you and your guest. If you would follow me, I will do what I need to help fulfil your requests as soon as possible."

With that Hou Yi stood up, and he offered Anna' s his hand to help her up. They followed Sadie down a corridor, into a light lemon colour painted walls, with mirrors and a dais at one end of the room, with apparently a changing area behind it, and a couch and a couple chairs at the other end.

As soon as Sadie had closed the door behind them, she manoeuvred herself between Hou Yi and Anna. Hou Yi, was disgusted by the personal shopper's actions and treatment of Anna. His wife was not going to be treated like this, so he knew he immediately needed to establish who Anna was, otherwise women like this would continue to try and bully her.

Anna noticed the fleeting look of disgust that passed across Hou Yi's face, and realised that he was angry about the personal shopper's actions. She did not want anyone else to bully her today, so she briefly paused and realised that she could deal with this flirty woman quickly.

Hou Yi started "Ms Sadie, could you …" and stopped what he was saying, as he noticed Anna moving around Sadie and throwing herself into his arms and gave him a brief kiss.

When Anna reluctantly broke the kiss, said in a coy voice "Honey, do we really need to be here, there are better things that we could be doing …."

Hou Yi immediately saw Anna's actions for what they were, trying to send a subtle message. However, he knew that a subtle message would only establish her as his mistress, not what she was, his wife. That he did not want that, so he leaned in and gave her a quick hard kiss and turned her in his arms, so he was hugging her, slightly turned her head and looked at her, bending his head down slightly.

In a loud whisper that as such that Sadie could her, but they could pretend she was not meant to hear, Hou Yi said "Sweetheart, today we received our wedding certificate, and tonight I am taking you to meet my family. All I want to do today is to buy you a dress you can wear to meet my family, maybe a change or two of clothes, and most importantly something for tonight …" and with that he bent down briefly and gave her another quick hiss, then continued "and we can come back together or you can come back another day to purchase more clothes, when you are ready and have time."

Anna, having realised what he was doing, blushed at what he was implying, and turned in his arms to put her back to Sadie. Looking up at him "Yi, we are not alone. Let us get this over and go home." With that she puller herself up towards him and pulled his head down for a kiss.

Meanwhile, Sadie was in a state of disbelief with what she heard. There were no rumours that CEO Hou was going to marry anyone. No gossip from the wives and mistresses of the elites in City T indicated this was possible. She knew this as many of them gossiped in front of her, without thinking and she used the information from them, their husbands or lovers to manoeuvre herself into relationship with elite men to help herself, getting what she wanted ensuring large savings and a wardrobe filled with now out of date designer shoes and clothes.

The only gossip that she had heard either questioned Hou YI's sexuality or claimed that he was looking for a love match. Sadie has always preferred to think the later, dreaming that it would be her so she could leave this life behind. Or if he did not marry her, he married for duty and made her his long-term mistress that would ensure she never had to work like this again.

Hou Yi's statement that he had married the woman in his arms, without any rumours and that it appeared to be a love match, not only shattered her dreams but made her fearful about her future employment. All it would take is a few words that she had offended them, and she would be without a job.

That made Sadie realise that she needed to simply get on with her job, get these two out of here and focus on taking up the offer from one of the two men that accompanied their mistresses earlier in the day and who had propositioned her, She knew she had to act quickly before they found out about her actions here and withdrew their offer. The best option she thought was the younger, unmarried one, who she knew she could work on to try and convince him to marry her in a few months.

Sadie realised she needed to be professional, to ensure she could save her job, and not dwell on the past. She knew that she could play it that she did not realise who the woman was and get out of this without too many problems.

"Pardon me, CEO Hou, did I hear you right, and this is your wife Madam Hou?"