M Mall - Part 4

Tuesday, continued …

Anna stood up and re-entered the dressing room having to go past Sadie, whose look could only be described as a sulking child who had had its lollipop taken from it. Sadie followed her into the dressing room, hanging up dresses, 4 pairs of slacks, 6 different tops, and placed on a chair, underpants, bras and nightwear.

Anna turned to the dresses, and found the one she had asked for, and pointing to that said "Let me try that one on first"

Sadie's original thought was to choose items that would not suit Madam Hou or that were the wrong size. She realised however she needed to be professional and not attempt to humiliate Madam Hou, as it would end up costing her, her job. What Sadie did was select less exclusive clothing from various stores, rather than the more elite items that she would normally select for clients like this Madam Hou.

She helped Anna into the dress, and she it was zipped up, despite her view of it being a cheap dress, compared to most of those in her wardrobe, realised that dress did suit Madam Hou, and said in a quite voice "Madam Hou, you should go and show CEO Hou."

"Well I am guessing that you saw when you came back, we had sort of forgotten where we were. I do not want him to wait any longer than we have to. I do not need to see the other dresses. Let me simply try on the other clothes, and I can surprise him."

With that, Sadie realised that she was not going to be able to force action from this woman, so helped her out of the dress and into some of the casual clothes. Within 10 minutes Anna had tried on the clothes, and as Sadie went to take all the clothes out, Anna stopped her

Anna told her, "Leave the pants and the top that I tried on firstly, as I intend to wear them when we leave." Sadie, carefully placed those on a chair, picked up all the other clothes that she had brought in, and Anna's original clothes and left the dressing room.

When she entered the main area, she approached Hou Yi, but did not get too close "CEO Hou, Madam Hou tried on some items, and made her choices. She said that she did not want to keep you waiting any longer than necessary hence why we did not show you anything."

"Do not worry about her choices, simply pack everything up. I will take it all for her, and as soon as she is ready, I will come to the desk to pay for all the items."

Sadie realised that both Hou Yi and Anna had promptly dismissed her, so she took the items, left the room and did what she was requested to do. Sadie wondered, given what she had seen previously how long she would be waiting for them to come out.

Hou Yi, moved to beside the entrance to the dressing room, and said "She has gone. While I would love to add to what she observed, we do have other things to do today. Do you need any help?"

As Hou Yi finished speaking Anna threw open the entrance to the dressing room "No I do not, but you are right we need to add to what was observed. How about, as we leave, I lean into you, you have your hand around my waist, and I slip my hand under your shirt. That would reinforce what was observed, and more importantly reinforce that we cannot wait to get out of here?"

"Absolutely fine with me."

"Remember, there is nothing in it. All I am doing is helping to create rumours that will serve in getting me revenge later. Once we are alone, nothing is going to happen."

With that Anna walked to Hou Yi at the door and he handed her, her handbag. He opened the door, and Anna Exited first. She stopped and waited until Hou Yi came and stepped beside her, and as they discussed he put his hand around her waist. Anna then leaned in to him and slipped a hand under his shirt.

Hou Yi, just moved his fingers on her waist, and as they walked back to reception, he matched his steps to Anna's. When they reached the waiting area, both realised that they were being watched, but neither decided to pull away, and walked together to the desk where Sadie was. Without thinking, Anna reached into Hou Yi's jacket pocket, and pulled out his wallet, handing it to him. With a look of apparent sorrow, Anna pulled back and separated herself from Hou Yi, so he could pay for the items. Hou Yi drew out his black credit card and handed it over without even looking at the charges.

Less than a minute later it was handed back to him, and Sadie said "CEO Hou, your keys were left here earlier by Assistant Wang. I have arranged for someone to take your purchases and put them in the vehicle and drive it to the entrance, so you and Madam Hou do not have to walk far. Thank you for coming to M Mall. If I can help you in the future, please do not hesitate to ask."

Hou Yi, ignored Sadie, and simply held out his hand to Anna, which she took, and they walked towards the entrance. It was opened for them, and as they exited, the realised that the car was waiting for them. Hou Yi, escorted Anna to passenger side, assisting her into the front passenger seat, and then shutting the door before returning to the driver's side and getting behind the wheel, and pulling the vehicle away.