Home at last

Tuesday, continued …

Hou Yi turned to the attendant and said, "Forget helping me, please help my wife out, and arrange for the bags on the backseat and in the boot to be delivered to my apartment."

Hou Yi's words shocked the car park attendant, so once he realised, he repeated in a deadly sounding voice "Arrange for the bags in the boot and on the backseat to be delivered to my apartment. My wife will need them."

This shook the attendant out of his daze, and he moved with speed to open the door for Anna Jones. Hou Yi had walked around and put out his hand and assisted her in climbing out of the vehicle.

Hou Yi, realised the attendant had gotten the message, and knew that it would be passed on quickly to ensure Anan's position was established with all the building staff. He knew it was necessary as many of them knew Yang Lin, and some liked the image that she portrayed and therefore would not take well to Anna becoming their new mistress.

Hou Yi escorted Anna, into the building and inserted a key from his pocket into a lock next to an elevator.

"Our apartment here has a direct elevator. I will give you a set of keys in the morning, but when you are here, please do not leave without someone knowing where you are going, and you have a bodyguard accompanying you. As we do not know what they will do, you need to be kept safe until the threat from them disappears."

While speaking to Anna, Hou Yi could see how angry she was getting. "Please do not get angry with me. They will act as a driver and assistant as well, and make sure that you can get to where you need. All I want to do is make sure is no one can hurt you like Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin did today."

Hou Yi, was glad he saw Anna's eyes slightly softening, but with a harsh undertone "What did I say, do not make decisions without consulting me."

"It is not about making decisions without consulting you. I want to ensure that you are safe, which means until the threat from them goes, they will need to be there. They know to give whoever they are protecting space, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. Today Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin verbally and physically abused you. They will continue to try and do this, so they pose a serious risk. The bodyguard's presence should minimise that risk."

"Once their threat has disappeared, the bodyguard's role will change to simply being around while allowing you to live your life. At the moment they will be your driver and assist you in what you need to do. Once we speak to the police, I hazard a guess they will want you to take steps to ensure your own safety."

Hou Yi realised not only was he repeating himself, but Anna was getting angrier. "OK. Think about this another way. At the Key Plaza Hotel, they did not give a damn about anything, despite there being CCTV observing their actions. If we had not gotten you into the car and away, I believe what they did would have been ten times worse. Until we deal with them, please let the bodyguards stay in place, and we will re-visit the situation after them have been dealt with. Can you accept that?"

"Fine." Anna snapped. After looking "Do you realise the elevator door has been open for a period of time," and with that she walked in and Hou Yi followed, closing the door quickly.

The lift quickly and quietly took they up to Hou Yi's apartment, and opened into a foyer. Anna, went to walk out of the lift quickly, but Hou Yi pulled her back and then swept her into his arms, walking out of the lift and into the foyer.

"What are you doing" squeaked Anna.

"Carrying my bride over the threshold, like all good grooms should do."

"Put me down you idiot, you will hurt yourself. And by the way do not think being romantic will stop me from being angry at your dictating that I need bodyguards."

Hou Yi nuzzled Anna's neck, then lifted his head "It is helping though isn't it?"