Going Power Shopping - Part 2

Wednesday, continued ...

As they travelled to M Mall, Anna heard Du AnLing and Leng Xi debating whether to walk around M Mall or use the VIP service to have clothes brought to them. Anna allowed them to continue for a few minutes before deciding, given her experience with Sadie last night she needed to be firm or Du AnLing and Leng Xi would simply take over.

"Unless the bodyguards deem it necessary, I would prefer to walk around and find what I need firstly," interjected Anna to the debate.

The female bodyguard in the front seat, spoke up, "Young Madam we would prefer you to remain in the VIP area, however as it is early, we could wander around for an hour, before returning to the VIP room for clothes to be brought in for you to try on. The Young Master informed us our priority is to ensure your safety."

She paused "The Young Master also informed us you might like to visit a tourist market, which with the assistance of other guards we can do. I know a good restaurant, near one of them, so I would suggest we have lunch there and then you can wander around the market. I will arrange the additional bodyguards on our way there. Is this OK?"

Anna, immediate responded "Fine to me".

Du AnLing and Leng Xi, however were reluctant, until Anna interjected "Mother, Aunt, I have some cash and Hou Yi gave the bodyguards cash as well for us to use. More importantly we can shop a lot there, buy what we want without much issue and not spending too much. Hou Yi will not be angry about spending there."

"Plus, I need to do shopping for friend and work colleagues who I told I would bring back items from local tourist markets for them. While I can do this ant time before Yi and I travel to Australia, I do not need to stress Yi out about coming out to go to a market, again."

"Shopping! We are in for that, even if it is cheap items" responded Du AnLing and Leng Xi in stereo.

"Then that is what we are doing," Anna made clear.

Before they could continue their conversation, they arrived at the VIP Entrance of M Mall. All three were let out of the back of the car, and the female bodyguard stood with them. The male driver took the car to park it before joining them. They walked to the entrance door and rang the bell. After ringing the bell, they were greeted with "M Mall VIP Service, how can I help you?"

"Good Morning, this is First Madam Hou, Second Madam Hou and Young Madam Hou, and we request entry."

"Sorry I have no record that you may be coming"

Anna knew she had to establish herself as Hou Yi's wife. "This is Young Madam Hou, I was here last night with my husband CEO Hou Yi and we made a few purchases. Either let us in now or we will take our business elsewhere. Further I will tell my husband, who I do not believe will be impressed."

"Apologies Young Madam Hou, I did not realise, recognising the voice heard briefly yesterday," came the immediate response with the door immediately opening. As they were heading in, the male bodyguard joined them and followed the three ladies Hou inside.

As then entered Du AnLing leaned over to her daughter-in-law and said "You can see the power of my son's name. The service knows that Xi and I are limited on our sending, but they will realise that my son will not limit you."

As they entered the foyer area three separate women approached the trio including the dreaded Sadie from last night. Du AnLing went to speak, but Anna quietly grabbed her mother-in-law. "Ladies I believe you know my mother-in-law First Madam Hou, and my aunt-in-law Second Madam Hou. I am Young Madam Hou. I am the one shopping today, but they have accompanied me."

Pointing to Sadie, Anna continued "I am not comfortable with her so I need to think as to which of you will be acceptable." Anna quickly observed the two and quickly made up her mind which would be the best fir for her and in pointing to her said "This is the best fit for us, I think."

"Thank you Young Madam Hou, I am Rebecca, please follow me."

With that Rebecca led them down the corridor into a large VIP Room, and showed them in. The two bodyguards remained outside the room. "Young Madam Hou. As you were here last night, your measurements will be on file. Please let me know which designers you want clothes from, and I will start arranging for clothes to be brought in."

"Rebecca before we do that, I actually want to wander around having a look at various stores before narrowing down our options before I make a final decision. Please, while we are doing that arrange for underwear, nightwear including that appropriate for a newly married couple, and those miscellaneous items to be here when we return. Those I am not as fussy about, as long as they fit."

Du AnLing, then piped in "Rebecca, with three Madam Hou's here, I think you better call us by our given names. I am AnLing, my sister-in-law is Xi, and my daughter-in-law is Anna."