Going Power Shopping - Part 6

Wednesday, continued …

The three of them burst out laughing, and the bodyguards struggled to keep a straight face as the older Madam Hou's shopping trips were legendary.

Anna then turned to the bodyguards and said, "As to the lunch option, if the weather is OK we will do that."

Before anyone could speak further Rebecca re-entered the room with three others pulling racks of clothes. Anna then noticed in the dressing area stacks of underwear, nightwear and other personal items. As those bringing the racks in left, another person entered.

Rebecca spoke "Miss Anna, this is our shoe specialist who will measure your feet. Madam AnLing and Madam Xi could you have a look at what I have brought in to see if we need to add anything, as you will know all of Miss Anna's needs for the functions and events you will attend."

As the shoe specialist started to measure her feet, Anna said "Please ensure with all the shoes that you only select low heels or flat shoes, including for the three to four pairs of navy and/or black business style shoes I need. I hate high heels or any heels over two inches high." While her feet were being measured, she observed Du AnLing an Leng Xi reviewing the racks, looking pleased. They each removed a few items and placed them aside.

Once the shoes specialist finished, Du AnLing spoke "We have selected a few items for you to try on, but in looking at everything it is completely suitable for what you will need."

"Let me have a look." Anna walked over to the racks and started looking through all the clothes that Rebecca had arranged in such a short time. Many would not have been her choice, Anna guessed they would be what she needed as Hou Yi's wife for the events they had to attend. What disappointed her was the oversupply of skirts and lack of slacks in the selection.

"Rebecca It appears that you have selected appropriate items, but could you arrange for some slacks and jeans as well to be added to the items chosen by my mother-in-law and aunt-in-law for me to try on."

Anna walked to the dressing room, and changed into the dress she brought with her while waiting for Rebecca to come in. "Miss Anna, I have sent the shoe specialist off to arrange for the shoes in accordance with your instructions." She then completed zipping up the dress for Anna, who walked out, and showed Du AnLing and Leng Xi, who both liked the dress. With Rebecca's assistance Anan worked through trying on the balance of the items selected for her.

After showing the last outfit, Anna on her way to change informed the bodyguards to make the lunch arrangements as they had discussed. As she changed Rebecca took from the bottom of one pile several items, before saying "Miss Anna, I guess you did not want everyone to see some of this. While I have arranged for normal underwear and nightwear, as you said you were newly married, I also arranged for these items. I would guess that you do not want to try them on."

Anna picked up the first item in the pile and noticed that it was a nightdress that was simply held together with a few bow ties on the side and at the shoulders and a cover to match. She then picked up the second item, and realised that it was a nightdress, with spaghetti straps that would just cover her. At the thought of what in the rest of the pile, Anna blushed, indicating that they would be fine.

As she returned out, the shoe specialist came in with a trolley with, at a guess 50 or 60 boxes of shoes. Anna sat down, and without fuss the shoe specialist picked a few boxes off the trolley and started to check that they fitted Anna's feet. When each pair was on, Anna stood up and walked around in the shoes. She was amazed that each pair fitted perfectly.

When the specialist left, Anna turned back to Rebecca "I feel guilty, but I am aware that I will need such a variety of clothes. Please arrange for all the items selected to be sent to," with that before Anna could get one of the cards Hou Yi gave her, an identical one was provided to her by one of the bodyguards "the address on that card."

Anna paused before continuing "Could we please remain here until the bill is totaled up, and more importantly when we leave, can you please make sure that no one comes out of any of the other rooms, or is in the foyer as we leave, as I do not want to risk running into the person who made that fuss before."

"Actually" jumped in Du AnLing, "send all the items. I am guessing since ones we selected fit, they all will fit."

"Mother I do not need so much."

"Anna, you will need it all, so do not argue, and I know my son will not object to the items being ordered."

"No problem." Rebecca then pressed another button by the door, and about a minute later, she had 5 other staff coming to assist her to take everything out that she was purchasing.