Shutting Immigration Down

Thursday, continued ...

Anna walked to the elevators, and after entering with three bodyguards and all but one of the immigration officials. When the doors closed, she used the pass card provided by Assistant Wang earlier to instinctively select the level where Hou Yi's office would be. Everyone exited the elevator and about thirty seconds later another elevator door opened and out came Assistant Wang, the remaining bodyguards and immigration official.

Anna handed to Assistant Wang her laptop bag and handbag, while he passed to her the original documents he had taken down to her office. Assistant Wang whispered to her "Madam Hou, I will keep a hold of these for you."

Everyone followed Assistant Wang to Hou Yi's outer office. During the short walk there, Anna felt that multiple people were watching her wondering who she was. As they reached the outer office could feel the eyes of a number of staff members, watching her, wondering who she was.

As they reached the outer office Hou Yi opened the door of his office. Anna wandered in, with the stunned immigration officials following her in. Immediately after the bodyguards blocked anyone from seeing into the room before closing the door, after Assistant Wang entered. Hou Yi gently gathered Anna into his arms, kissed her and quietly asked "Are you OK sweetheart?"

"I am fine Yi. All I want to do is get this sorted out." came Anna's quite reply

Hou Yi nodded, and keeping a hold of Anna's hand, he walked over to the couch and sat down on it before pulling Anna onto his lap. He then lifted the hand he still had a hold of up to his lips and kissed it. He then helped Anna to sit so she was comfortable on his lap. Anna then leaned back against Hou Yi who was relaxed and calm.

Given everything that they had heard about Hou Yi, stunned the immigration officials. He was said to be someone who was aloof and never showed emotions, but they observed the complete opposite. He was displaying emotion and could not keep his hands off the woman who claimed she was his wife.

Hou Yi nodded to Assistant Wang, who moved to his desk to start to do something, while smoothing Anna's hair. Anna had slipped off her shoes and moved so she was partially laying on the couch, with her legs over Hou Yi and had slipped her hand inside his shirt.

The lead immigration official wondered if they had been given false information. They seemed like a loving couple, and he saw what appeared to be matching wedding rings on the hands of CEO Hou and this woman.

Hou Yi paused his actions and looked directly at the immigration officials. "Gentleman, what is the issue?"

As the lead immigration official cleared his throat Assistant Wang spoke up "CEO Hou, Madam Hou, I have sent the footage through to the television for these officials to view." He walked and picked up a remote and handed to Hou Yi before leaving the room closing the door behind him.

"Gentleman, please find yourself a seat. This footage should answer all questions about the authenticity of our marriage." Hou Yi pressed play on the remote which closed the blinds on the windows. Once they were closed on a television screen that that appeared original as an artwork the clearly date and time stamped footage showing their movements and obtaining their marriage certificate within the Civil Administration Bureau commenced playing.

All but one of the immigration officials watched the footage. The remaining immigration official was carefully watching Anna and Hou Yi who were ignoring the footage, focused on themselves. They looked in a world of their own, only focused on each other and ignoring the immigration officials.

Neither of them were paying any attention and only realise that the footage had finished playing when the heard the first official say "CEO Hou". Three buttons were open on Hou Yi's shirt and Anna's hair was a mess.

"Yes", snapped Hou Yi in reply.

"We could not find in the national records an official recording of your marriage certificate having been issued. We need to contact Official Song to confirm the footage."

"We have been married for less that two days, so I am not surprised that it is not on the national database. Anyway stop looking at us strangely. Work forced me to be in the office, and other matters have dragged my wife in here. We have had to delay our Honeymoon, so we are taking whatever time together we can." Anna with that reached up and kissed Hou Yi, on the lips. While a short kiss, the immigration officials viewed that Hou Yi reluctantly pulled away from an extremely passionate kiss.

Hou Yi continued "Please use the phone on my desk to call the Civil Administration Bureau to confirm what you require. As you know, on our marriage my wife obtained citizenship here without losing her Australian Citizenship, meaning she is a dual national. We have just not had time to have local identity documents issued for here."

The first immigration official picked up the telephone and called the Civil Administration Bureau. It was very clear within a few minutes, he was able to get the confirmation that he needed that Hou Yi and Anna's marriage certificate and the other documents were in fact genuine, and he ended the call.

"Apologies CEO Hou, Madam Hou, for the misunderstanding. We had been given information that indicated that Madam Hou was an Australian Lawyer working here without any evidence that indicate she had working rights here. Based on what you have indicated it was an emergency that has brought Madam Hou in here. Further, we had information that Madam Hou, you had come here to marry and did not do so, which would have automatically revoked your visa. However, that information is incorrect. You are legally married, and that given you citizenship and work rights. Is there anything we can do?"

Anna turned to Hou Yi and realised exactly what needed to be said. "We can understand that you need to follow up these reports. However, we are not ready to go public with our marriage and would request that you keep as minimal information in your records as possible and importantly tell no one about our marriage. Can you do that?"

"We can," said all four officials together

"Well if that concludes your business with us, would you mind leaving us alone please," came Hou Yi's short and sharp reply

With that the immigration officials left the room, all realising that they had some momentous news that they had just agreed to keep as quiet as possible. One official was torn about keeping the secret. He had volunteered to his boss to be involved and had clear instructions to secure the laptop his boss told him was highly important. However, he was unable to do so.