An Opening

Thursday, continued ...

Returning to concentrate on her work, Anna uploaded the documents Assistant Wang scanned for her into the system and forwarded the email to her assistant to deal with, with the message that original signed documents were being returned to Australia.

Anna, then went into the legal program, and started working through the next batch of documents to review, and deal with Hou Yi about, when she received an email from her assistant Jodie Hughes, who given the time difference must be about getting ready to leave work for the day.

'Anna, we have had information you did not marry Lu Jinhu. What is going on? Everyone here is concerned. There was a Family Court envelope sent here marked personal and confidential. I opened it, in case it was important. It is, by consent, de facto property settlement, but the signature on the documents is not yours. What do you want me to do? Jodie'

Anna responded 'Jodie. Tell everyone, I am OK and will let you know what happened when I get back. Can you scan and email me a copy of those orders and let Alfred know I need to talk to him about them, Anna.'

Anna kept working through the documents, and about fifteen minutes later, she received another email 'Anna, orders are attached. Alfred is waiting for your email. Jodie.'

Anna paused what she was doing, and opened the attachment, and saw the orders she apparently signed. She immediately knew that this was not her signature. She opened the chat box with Hou Yi

'Yi, I can partially deal with Lu Jinhu. For some reason the court orders he used to get all my assets were sent to work. I still have enough time to appeal them'

'Go for it. Is there anything you need from me?'

'I am about to email a colleague, but I am guessing that I will have to go back to Australia earlier than I had planned where I came here'

'Let me know when you need to be back there. I will personally arrange for one of the company planes to take us, rather than having to rely on commercial airlines. Tell your employers that you will pay for private representation, and I will transfer from my personal accounts money into their trust account for that purpose.'

'Thanks. Will do. Once I email this colleague, I think I have about an hour or so to get through the next batch of documents that we need to deal with.'

"Just let me know when you need to come up, and I will make the time.'

Anna, then turned to her work emails, sent the next email she knew she needed to send.

'Hi Alfred, Jodie emailed me a copy of some Family Law orders received today marked 'Private and Confidential' involving Lu Jinhu and me and a break-down of a de facto relationship. Jodie stated that the signature was not mine. This is the first that I have seen these orders.'

'Please do not, and I stress do not tell anyone this at the moment, that Lu Jinhu admitted when dumping me a couple of days ago, that he had been using me to gain citizenship and had taken all my assets and I could do nothing about it, even though I knew nothing about it.'

'I need you to immediately lodge an appeal against the orders, with a rush hearing date, so that I can overturn them and stop him taking any more assets than he has out of the country. I'll draft the affidavit in support tonight and email it through to you to review. Let me know how soon you need me back to sign it, and I will do what I can.'

'I will be paying as a private client for this case and cost it not an issue. Anna.'

While waiting for a response from Alfred, Anna, kept on her task for Hou Enterprises, sending documents to the printer in Hou Yi's office.

About five minutes later, she received an email from Alfred.

'Hi Anna. Sorry to hear about you and Lu Jinhu. Of course, I will not tell anyone until you need me to, but I am going to need to establish a file, so people will have some idea something is happening. I will get Mr William's permission to limit access to the file to Jodie, Rose, Mr Williams, you and me. Once that it done, I will let you know, and you draft the affidavit in the system, and email me once it is done. Just a warning we only have until Tuesday next week to lodge the appeal. Alfred."

Anna immediately replied 'Alfred, Thanks. I will be back Monday so clear your diary, so we can do this. Thanks. Anna'

Anna then opened the chat box with Hou Yi 'Will be up in forty five minutes and can tell you everything.'