Friday on my Mind - Part 2

Friday, continued ...

Anna settled in and continued to work through the next batch of documents to address while making notes.

Before Anna realised it, on 11am, she was interrupted by a knock on the door. Anna turned on the surveillance in the office, and in came Amanda Mei. "Miss Anna, our Friday tradition is to take a short morning tea break, would you come an join us?"

"Sorry Amanda, I have to see CEO Hou at 12pm to deal with another batch of documents. I have not gotten the work finished, and I need to be ready for the meeting.' Amanda turned and exited and shut the door behind her.

Anna feeling safe turned off the surveillance and returned back to working through the documents. She finished the last of the next batch of documents at 11:50am and sent them through to Hou Yi's printer.

She opened the chat box with Assistant Wang 'Assistant Wang I have sent a batch of documents through to Yi's printer for my meeting with him. Be up in about five minutes.'

She then opened Hou Yi's chat box and messaged him 'Yi, sorry I have not been talking today, but I have been busy so that we are not to finalise paperwork on the flight. I am coming up and will see you in about five minutes.'

Anna then shut down her laptop, and packed it back into its bag, and left the office, and into the elevator. Anna inserted the passkey to take her to the CEO's office level. Once there she wandered down to Hou Yi's office. And asked Assistant Wang "Is it OK to go in?"

"Absolutely Miss Jones. Here are the documents that you need."

Anna entered Hou Yi's office, and they sat down, working through them quickly. On leaving the office, Anna handed the document to Assistant Wang, with the same request as the documents on Thursday. He confirmed that he would do this.

As per yesterday's plans Anna went straight downstairs and hopped into a taxi to travel to the pre-determined location. She quickly changed on public toilets and hopped into the waiting car to return to Hou Enterprises, this time as the Lady Boss. As the car arrived her exit door was surrounded by bodyguards, who surrounded her as she entered the building and escorted her to Hou Yi's office.

As soon as the door was shut behind her, she fell onto the couch laughing. "Yi, you would not believe the gossip that was spreading as I came back in about me as the Lady Boss. You would think that your employees have nothing to do."

"Well, you know gossip happens in any office." Hou Yi paused, and then continued "As per our plans, I have gotten thins ready in the bedroom, so to the cleaning staff it will be as if we had wild s*x again in the office. At least I have had lunch delivered while you were gone."

They sat down and took their time eating their meal quietly and once finished, they went and sat down on the couch simply to talk. Once they were comfortable, Hou Yi advised Anna "When you leave, I will be going to the wedding ceremony for Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin. Give how much everyone in society is talking about I would be tipping our hands if I did not attend. The last thing that we want is anyone to be to suspicious of what is happening. If anyone there spots my wedding ring and asks where my wife is, I will tell them she is too tired to have come."

The two of them simply sat down relaxing, and before Anna knew anything at about 1:45pm, Hou Yi, said, "Come on we both need to go. How about you come out with me and we send another message to the staff?"

"As I told you yesterday, you have a devious mind for arranging things so people think that something has happened that is not reality."

They both stood up, and walked out of Hou Yi's office, and were immediately surrounded by bodyguards. As they reached the elevators, a door on one opened, and the bodyguards blocked off anyone else from getting into the lift with them.

On crossing the foyer, every few paces, Hou Yi would lean down and kiss Anna. It was obvious to anyone that could see what was happening how much attention CEO Hou was paying to the woman beside him, who was all but hidden by bodyguards.

Hou Yi, when they reached his car helped Anna into it before they were driven to the same location where Anna had changed before. Anna quickly changed and a taxi by the waiting bodyguard was flagged for her, and he handed Anna her laptop and handbag.

When she settled back into the Legal department on her return to Hou Enterprises Anna quickly realised that there were only three documents to finish reviewing and for Hou Yi to sign. This took Anna about forty-five minutes to complete the work, and she packed up her belongings.

Anna realised she had two options, she could either sneak away or talk to Lawyers Deng, Mei and Bai. She opted for the latter. As she went out into the small general area the three of them were there.

Anna spoke, "Ladies I know that I refused your offer this morning, but I was concerned that I would not get through the documents required. I have been able to do that, and I have just over an hour before my meeting with CEO Hou. If you can, and there is a coffee shop or café around, I would like to treat you, simply because you have let me do the work that I needed to."

Amanda Mei, steps up "Miss Anna, I would like to do that but let me buy as an apology for yesterday." Lawyers Deng and Bei however rejected the offer.

With than Anna and Amanda, go down stairs, and walk across the street from Hou Enterprises to a small café, for a snack and a drink. While they relaxed, Amanda asked "Do you know what happened for Supervisor An to be taken away? Did you hear anything about a new supervisor"

"All I know is when she pushed her way into the CEO's office, she as accused of selling company secrets to competitors, and detailed by security for the police to arrest. As to a new supervisor, I have no idea. Why?"

"No reason, I was just wondering".

Once they finished their snack and drink, Amanda told Anna "I am going to pay for this."

"Amanda, sit I asked about this, and I will pay." With that Anna walked to the counter and pulled out one of the low daily charge amount credit cards and paid for their afternoon tea. They returned back to the office, and after Amanda Mei selected the floor for the legal department in the elevator, Anna inserted her key pass and selected the CEO's office floor."