Talking to the Boss

Monday, continued ...

On looking again, the receptionist noticed Hou Yi and his bodyguards exiting the elevator behind Anna. All she could stutter was "Mr Hou, I did not know that you had an appointment..."

Anna, wanted to immediately prevent a scene, and quickly responded "Could you please let Alfred know that Mr Hou and I are here. We will wait for him in interview room three, and if Mr Williams is free could you please ask him to join us. They both know what this is about."

Anna from her handbag removed her pass card and opened the interview room. As she and Hou Yi were entering one of the bodyguards handed over her laptop and Hou Yi is briefcase. As they entered the Room Hou Yi placed a gentle hand on her back, simply to reassure her. As the door closed, Anna stepped away and removed her laptop from the bag and connected to the office internet.