The Job Offer

Monday, continued ...

"Jodie is it not like that. As you know, despite my concerns when I accepted his proposal, I recommitted myself to Lu Jinhu, never intending to end the commitment I had made. Yi and I met when he was here for business about six months ago, and we made contact and started communicating through instant messaging apps. I knew very quickly that I had questions about following through with my commitment, and Yi simply told me he would respect my decision as to my relationship with Lu Jinhu."

"It was only when I was at the embassy in Country X and saw Yi in passing, I knew that I could never marry Lu Jinhu. However, before I could tell him of my decision, he married another woman in an arranged marriage. Yi and I had decided originally that we would wait between me ending my engagement and our marriage but Lu Jinhu's actions allowed us to decide to marry immediately."

"I am right, you rushed from one relationship to another."