Spy Identification - Part 1

Wednesday, continued ...

Seeing Hou Yi walk across the foyer on Wednesday afternoon stunned Hou Enterprises employees. They figured he was gone for the week.

His sudden appearance keenly interested four people, who realised the urgent need to inform Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin. Their rush, however made their actions easy for the security team to identify them. They receptionist already suspected of being a spy plus a cleaner, an assistant manager in the finance department and a member of Hou Yi's administrative team, without being careful sent separate texts from their phones within Hou Enterprises building to Yang Lin's number

Being oblivious to these actions at that moment, Hou Yi walked into Vice-CEO Ji Feng's office, closed the door after him, and sat down "Uncle Feng, sorry to bother you…"

"Yi, given you have just returned from Australia I did not expect you in until tomorrow. Why are you not spending time with that beautiful wife who you adore?"