Getting Help - Part 2

Monday, continued ...

"Damn it Yi if I had known I would have told you to back off. Anna has a lot of issues and work to be done, but the biggest hurdle is done, she has admitted and is willing to accept help. She needs to feel safe and supported, which I can clearly see she feels with you. If you take that from her she will completely fall to pieces. But and I have to stress this any sexual relationship between you has to be controlled by her. If you pressure her in any way it will end in disaster."

"Pip, when we sleep of a night time, if I move away from her, or leave the bed, she starts yelling, and thrashing about. It worries me."

"Yi, in her dreams she is dealing with some of the trauma. She relies on you to be with her, and in her sleep that lack of connection she needs, makes it impossible for her to cope."