The Second Session

Tuesday, continued...

Once Anna ended the call, and packed up her laptop to secure it, before heading up to Hou Yi's office for lunch and an appointment with Phillipa.

After a leisurely lunch, with Hou Yi, Phillipa walked into the office right on time at 2:30 pm, shutting the door behind her and taking a seat on a chair. "Hello Yi and Anna."

"Hello Phillipa," responded Anna.

Hou Yi smirked and responded "Pip, right on time as usual."

"I want to get right down to business with respect to matters. The first and most important thing, is did you follow the advice from yesterday, in not to sleep apart?"

"Yes, Pip, and you have a dirty mind"

"Yi, you are my friend, and I owe you a lot, but please be serious, as you will make Anna run for the hills, which will not help either of you."

"Yes Phillipa, we did."

"Anna, how did you feel when you awoke this morning, and how did you feel that Yi slept?"