Thank God Tuesday's Gone - Part 1


Hou Yi awoke, and found his wife snuggled into his arms. He levered himself up and watched her continue to sleep.

All he could do is replay in his mind what happened when they arrived home last night. Yes the scene at the theatre distressed him, as his wife was hurt emotionally and physically, and he felt it as if it occurred to him. However it seemed the break down barriers that had existed between them since their marriage.

He wanted everything from their relationship, but Anna despite what she agreed to allow to occur in public, ultimately was reluctant to have anything to do with him, in the privacy of their suite. He knew how understandable that was due to how Lu Jinhu had hurt her in their relationship. Her focus was on revenge, but in his mind there had been something else, almost as if Anna felt that she owed some loyalty to Lu Jinhu for some reason.