Thank God Tuesday's gone - Part 8

** Warning Highly sexualised behaviour. Persons under 18 should reconsider their need to read the chapter **

Wednesday, continued ...

After catching their breaths from what they had been doing, Anna, simply snuggled into Hou YI, and started to drift off to sleep.

Hou Yi looked down and could not believe that his wife did not run the other way this morning. He was sure that she would, but to his amazement she took the lead in them making love a second time. It was, whether or not Anna ever admitted it more that simply s*x for him and achieving a release. He expressed in his actions what he could not express in words, that he loved her, adored her, wanted to protect her and make her happy for all the rest of their time on earth.

He was, like the previous generations of his family. Fell in love with his life partner on sight. Unlike them, it was simply a quirk of fate that meant that he was able to marry her, but he was not going to object to that.