Wednesday's Session - Part 6

Wednesday, continued ...

"Yi, stop being so sappy. I know it will break your heart."

"It does not matter, she is the important one. I simply have to make sure she is happy."

Phillipa looked at Hou Yi and realised that he was serious about everything. She said to herself, I hope and pray that he does not end up without her in his life, as he will not cope. Rather than continuing to press her friend, she figured that she better talk to Anna, and figure out what is happening with her. Hopefully she can steer these two in the direction to get them to admit to the other how they feel about each other.

"Yi, I think I need to have a chat with Anna. Do not disappear, as when Anna is ready I will call you, as there are some things that we will need to discuss."

"Fine Pip. Just do not make her feel guilty or concerned about anything. She does not need that, and it will make me forget that you are my friend."

"Fine Yi, now go, before I get angry about you calling me Pip."