The Arrest

Wednesday, continued …

Before anyone could further respond, Butler Ge walked into the lounge and approached Hou Yi "Young Master. There are a number of police officers down stairs requiring immediate entry to the apartment. Security need your confirmation that they can send them up."

"Butler Ge, then can wait until my personal lawyers arrives, and all of them can be shown up together. Can you please arrange for someone to gather all of my wife's personal items from our suite, and apparently the police wish to seize them, and place on my study her handbag, laptop and tablet please."

"Yes Sir."

"Officer Mu, I can see that you are angry. You have requested items, and my staff have to gather these. Your superiors will be let up when my personal lawyer arrives, which should be in the next 10 minutes, by which time the items you have requested are gathered or put into the custody of my lawyer."