Officer Mu Talks - Part 1

Wednesday, continued …

Despite seeing a look of determination pass on Hou Yi's face Officer Mu knew he was deflated. While it might end up costing him his job, he knew he needed to do more than was expected to support someone in this situation. This time Inspector Gang had gone beyond anything that was acceptable, and what was worse was that Senior Officer Fang allowed him to do it.

"CEO Hou," said Officer Mu quietly.

It took a few seconds before Hou Yi reacted, and quietly said "Yes."

"We need to talk about what happened. At this point, I actually do not care if talking to you and backing you and Madam Hou up costs me my job with the police."

"It sounds like you are about to tell me something that you know others within the police department may not like. If it comes to is, and you lose your job, come to Hou Enterprises. We always have openings for honest, hardworking people within the business."

"Thank You CEO Hou …"