The results

Wednesday, continued …

"CEO Hou, we have gotten the test results back. The blood tests revealed nothing. The various scans and x-rays have enabled us to determine the only major injuries Madam Hou has seemed to have received is a concussion and a broken Tibia and Fibula on her left leg. We were luck that the breaks are clean, and the bone has not shifted."

"Additionally she has a small fracture on her cheek bone, but the specialists have determined nothing can be done for that. It will simply heal on its own provided she is not hit in the face again. Finally, there is some minor internal bruising, apparently from last night's punch."

Doctor Kung paused, and decided he needed to talk about the plans. "Our intention, CEO Hou, is put a cast on Madam Hou's leg, finish the stitching that we need on her head, start a IV with the drugs that have been determined to be appropriate and she will be moved to a private ward. The IV will be in until tomorrow morning."