Back at the hospital

Wednesday, continued …

Hou Yi was sitting beside Anna, holding her hand, hoping that she would wake up soon. As he had turned his mobile to silent when he arrived at the hospital, when it started to ring, he felt it vibrating in his pocket. He reached into his pocket and removed it, answering it one handed. He gently placed Anna's hand on the bed and moved away to take the call.

"CEO Hou?"

"Assistant Wang, what can I do?"

"Where are you sir, you have a meeting that no one else can deal with in 20 minutes."

"Assistant Wang, I cannot come in. Can you call whoever the meeting is and get them to call my mobile and I will explain the situation to them."

"Sir, you really cannot do that, you need to come in. I have put off everything else, that Vice-CEO Ji cannot deal with. By the way why are you talking quietly."