Lu Corporation Press Conference - Part 2

Wednesday, continued …

Internally while Lu Jinhu was seething, Yang Lin was about to explode. She could not believe how that b**ch was ruining her life, and how manipulative her father-in-law was being. This should have been the best time of her life, they should have been riding high with Hou Corporation being under their control, and the money coming in, but she thwarted all the plans. She figured, at least for the next period of time she better remain quiet as she could not control what would come out of her mouth.

As they were about to walk out of the office, Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu received a text message each. Yang Lin read her message, which was from their spy in Hou Enterprises, working on the CEO's level 'Hou YI not in and off to end of the week. Apparently, wife in hospital.' Lu Jinhu looked at his message 'Heard rumours Anna Jones assaulted at police station and taken to hospital.'.