Firing Back - Part 1

Wednesday, continued …

Hou Yi, had drifted off to sleep, sitting in the chair beside Anna, who slowly started to wake up. She opened her eyes and realised that she was in a hospital bed. She wondered how she had gotten here and remembered Inspector Gang, for want of a better term kicking the sh*t out of her. Anna could not feel much and realised that she had a drip in her arm.

Anna determined it was likely that she was receiving pain killers through the drip. As she tried to sit up more, without disturbing Hou Yi and realised that she was unable to move her left leg. She looked down and found that the blankets on the bed were raised over her left leg, so she carefully lifted the bedcoverings and realised that there was a cast on her leg.

Anna quickly thought, OK, as a result of being kicked, I have a broken leg, and given I cannot recall much, I must have a concussion, so I was taken to hospital. However how long have I been here?