Recovery and Revenge - Part 11

Friday, continued …

"So what did she say?"

"Anna, she has to talk to Susanne and James, and between them they will work out who is available and let us know. If it will make you happy, then that is the best option for a nurse for a couple of weeks."

Before Anna could respond there was a knock on the door. Hou Yi looked down at his watch and noticed that it was 9am, which meant that it had to be Officer Mu, or someone telling them of his arrival.

When the door opened a nurse entered, and stated "Madam Hou, CEO Hou there is a police officer here to see you, an Officer Mu, and he has with him a lawyer Alister Nang. I am aware that Officer Mu is allowed in, but before I did anything, I needed to confirm if it was OK for Mr Nang to come in."

"Send then both in. Mr Nang, is tied up with the investigation of what happened to my wife."

The nurse left the suite, shutting the door behind her. Anna turned to look at Hou Yi "I wonder what Mr Nang wants?"