Recovery and Revenge - Part 22


Hou Yi, pulled up in a car, waiting for the company jet to come to a stop at the private jet terminal. As it did, his driver took him to the foot o the steps. As he was stepping out of the vehicle, another vehicle pulled up, with immigration officials.

"CEO Hou, can you please let me know who is on your company's private jet?"

"My sister-in-law. The jet collected her from Singapore off a commercial flight. She is here to support my wife while she recovers from the incident at the police station on Wednesday that is in the media. Another sister-in-law, my brother-in-law, and nieces and nephews will be coming in next weekend, to provide additional support."

"Thank you. We will hurry through the process for your sister-in-law, and will make a note about next weekend. By the way how is your wife? We heard about it, and when we dealt with you both last week she struck everyone that she was a real treasure."