Arrest - Part 1

Thursday, afternoon

Hou Yi's mobile started ringing, and on seeing that the call was from Officer Mu, he quickly answered the call "Officer Mu, what can I do for you?"

"CEO Hou, I have been speaking to the investigators, and we have news that we need to share with you and Madam Hou. If it possible for me to meet you both. I understand that Madam Hou still remains in Hospital."

"When did you want to do that?"

"In an hour, if possible."

"I will meet you there. By the way, my sister-in-law will also be there, as she has come over from Australia to be with her sister. Could you please speak English as that it she only language she understands."

"Not an issue CEO Hou. I will see you then."

With that Officer Mu ended the call. Hou Yi called Assistant Wang into the office, and explained that he would be gone for the rest of the day, before closing up his laptop, and packing his briefcase, exiting his office and the building.

Forty-five Minutes later.