Court - Part 6

Friday, continued …

With this Alister Nang stood up and motioned to Hou Yi, Anna and Rosemary to follow him. They could see the glares being given by Yang Lin who was not happy where matters were going. Alister showed them into the room they had waited in.

Hou Yi spoke "So what does all that mean?"

"CEO and Madam Hou. The judge has made it clear we have until this afternoon to get very close to a, for want of a better term, plea agreement, or he will transfer the matter to the capital for the national prosecutors office to directly deal with. That will not effect you, but it will make it a dramatically different case for the Lu's."

"The question is what it the bottom line for us and the Lu's. The Lu's have made their position already clear, but that will be unacceptable to the national prosecutors office who have to sign off on the agreement as well."