Court - Part 8

Friday, continued …

"I might be able to convince CEO and Madam Hou as well as the national prosecutors office to accept no convictions on some, but not all of the charges. I also may have Madam Hou, on the matters that support the charge of aggravated violence against a former domestic partner not to pursue those matters civilly or criminally in Australia. Other matters, will simply have to await a decision as to which jurisdiction has the ability to pursue the charges."

"That is unlikely to be totally acceptable to my clients."

"It will be a compromise to my clients and the national prosecution service as well. My assistant here has commenced drafting the agreed facts to be presented to the court. I have been requested to have whatever we agree to approved by the national prosecution service as well. Let us sit down and get this agreed on."

They commenced reading the document, ignoring the starting details.