The Deal with Du XuXu

Saturday, continued …

At Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin's

The conditions of their release, made them crazy. They hated staying inside, and it made it difficult for them to see Du XuXu, when she arrived from City A. Thank goodness she was able to slip in when a group of Lu Jinhu's friends arrived. Before her arrival, they both knew that she was an utter nutcase, but she was the perfect tool to ruin Hou Yi and his marriage, and this made her useful. As she came inside Yang Lin was able diverted her off into a small room to speak to her.

"Miss Du, thank you for coming."

"It was a pleasure."

"I want to help you, but have to apologise for going about it this way. I heard about your family locking you in a mental institution. Until now, there was little that I could do to help, despite knowing that you were wronged. After I married a few weeks ago I spoke to my Husband and his family, and convinced them that we needed to help you."