Family - Part 5


Anna, like yesterday woke in Hou Yi's arms in their suite in the Hou Ancestral Home. As she looked at Hou Yi, he was awake and both of them leaned towards each other and gave the other with a gentle kiss. Hou Yi reluctantly pulled back, and noticed the disappointment in Anna's eyes. He quietly said "We are at ancestral home, and anyone could come in an disturb us this morning at any time and we could not prevent it."

Without thinking, Anna said "You better remember you have to make it up to me soon."

"Are you sure?" came the quite but somewhat hopeful question from Hou Yi

"Absolutely, otherwise I would not have said it."

Hou Yi was stunned. Did that mean that Anna really felt something for him. He hoped that that was true, because it would allow him the freedom to tell her how he had felt for months. Maybe, just maybe their relationship had a real chance.