Anna's Gambit - Part 1

Monday, continued …

Anna, using her new laptop, logged into AXN's systems, and noticed the email from Alfred.

"Alister, I have confirmation from Australia, they can facilitate a teleconference link at 10:15am our time." Anna turned to Yi, and said "Can you set up the printer for me."

Anna opened the first attachment, and there was a letter from the Family Court, about the possibility of not being able to facilitate the Audiovisual Link with the court. Anna printed out 8 copies of that. Further there was a second attachment, with a copy of the minutes, signed by Alfred and Lu Jinhu's Australian Solicitor, and again she printed off a further 8 copies.

"Alister, OK with the family law stuff, there are 8 copies of everything. The court can do the videolink but are worried about a potential dropout. Lu Jinhu's Australian solicitor has signed everything. According to Alfred, Lu Jinhu's solicitor has not spoken to him, but just signed them."