Monday's Court Hearing - Part 6

Monday, continued …

The judge in the court room spoke up in reply. "I would agree. We agreed to interrupt these proceedings to deal with his matter, so all parties could leave the court room today with nothing outstanding. Madam Hou, must be congratulated for working extremely consciously for this to happen, which is total respect for the court both here and in Australia. Mr Lu your behaviour is in total contrast."

"Unlike the court in Australia, who gave you repeated warnings about your behaviour. If you did that before me, you would not have had a warning. You would have been immediately removed from the court for showing disrespect and would have had an immediate sentence of a minimum of one-month imprisonment to serve. Mr Lu, you and your lawyer have thirty seconds to make a decision. I can deal with the total lack of respect to the court here or it can be dealt with in Australia. I suspect you will get a better sentence in Australia."