The news

Wednesday, continued …

As Hou Yi woke Anna with a Kiss Du AnLing without knocking burst into the room. "Mother!" yelled Hou Yi. "Do you not understand respecting boundaries?"

"Well darling …" dragged out Du AnLing. "I would have, but you left your mobile in the lounge, and that rapscillian friend of yours Yao Tan rang. I do not know why his parents gave up running their company and left it in his hands."

"Mother, he is a respected businessman so …"

"Yi, his parents are good friends and I know all about his issues, and how he raised the triplets. Despite having them, you two in your last year of high school, he lead you into some much trouble. Forget about it. He was querying if you two were going for dinner tonight. I told him you would be there by 7:30pm." She walked over and handed him his phone "and here is your mobile."

As soon as Du AnLing had handed him, his mobile, it started ringing, so he answered it "Hou Yi speaking."