Hurry Up weekend - Part 3

Friday, continued …

As the door closed, all Hou Yi could say was "Thank god Anna, those three were the most boring of the meeting I have had to have in the last two days. They are so sanctimonious and make an issue of every little point. You charmed them in less than an hour. That was the best meeting on this development I have had with them. Let me tell you, you are going to help me deal with them in the future."

The problem was that the meeting was not solely about the Australian development. The worst part of the meeting was the final convincing them of need to be involved in the boycott of Lu Corporation. They were reluctant to be involved in the public press-conference about the boycott. It was only fifteen minutes before Anna arrived that they agreed but with the agreement that they would consider them for involvement in future projects."

"Fine Yi. But remember I am recovering, and I am pregnant, so …"