The Press conference regarding Du XuXu - Part 1

Monday, continued …

Just before 3pm in the wings of a small meeting room at the Key Plaza Hotel where they were holding the press conference Anna, using the crutches was standing with Hou Yi, his parents and Du XuXu's family. She knew how uncomfortable she was standing with the aid of the crutches, but she knew that she was going to have to for the purposes of the press conference.

Hou Yi watching Anna observed that standing with the use of crutches was becoming painful for her.

She did not need that, and he was concerned how this might not only affected her but their unborn child. She did not need the stress of worrying about any harm to their child, so he stood beside her and whispered "Do you want a chair to sit on? Should I arrange for a chair near the microphone to rest your leg on? Is there anything I can do to help?"