Hong Kong Tales - part 2

Monday, continued …

After Pippa quietened down, and everyone else was comfortable Hannah continued, "Pippa's right. We had a ball with Uncle James, Aunty Rosemary, Aunty Rachael, Aunty Xi, Nanna AnLing, Poppy Jang, Granny Hou and Poppy Hou."

Hou Yi looked at Anna, and leaned over and whispered, "It already looks like my parents, grandparents and Aunt have wormed their way into their hearts."

Anna turned and whispered back "That could be dangerous, they will want to spoilt them, and then spoil our child even more."

Hou Yi gave her a quick kiss before saying quietly back "As it we will let them."

James watching what was going on, loudly said "Break it up you two, that to the two of you are alone in your room, the children do not need to see that."

Pippa, being smart, and ready to stir her Uncle James, called out "See what Uncle James. Mum and Dad can be worse that that when they think we are not watching."