Organising the Wedding - Part 1

Tuesday, continued …

James and Rosemary helped Anna to sit up and move onto her crutches before accompanying her into the small dining room for a late breakfast. While she was eating all around her, everyone was discussing their plans for the day, and debating who Anna would go with.

For Anna, despite loving everyone shopping, play-dates and visiting people did not appeal to her. For Anna, despite the disruption of the last month she still craved the normality of her life, working in an officer each day, coming home of a night and having weekends free. That is what she desired.

Anna considered what she would do and thought that she could twist Hou Yi into letting her come into the office even for a half day. She pulled her phone from the small bag she had around her neck where she was carrying it, and dialed 'Hubby'

Within two rings Hou Yi picked up "Good morning sweetheart."

"Hi darling, you know I could …"