Starting Lu Corporation's downfall - Part 3

Wednesday, continued …

After breaking away from the kiss, Hou Yi continued "Sweetheart, until two days ago, while I was hopeful you might come to love me, I was fearful that if I did the wrong thing you would run, ending all my dreams for the future of us. We have a future, and do you know I actually feel that I deserve that future with you, because I respected what is important for you, the law."

"Screw respecting the law Yi, we need to crush them, and to be truthful, I want to see the ruthless businessman that all the stories say is you."

"Anna …"

"Do not Anna me. We need to be ruthless. I got the perfect revenge I wanted with Lu Jinhu, using the law to crush him, and he will be forever known as an abuser. The rest I do not care about."