Starting Lu Corporation's Downfall - Part 6

Wednesday, continued …

Hou Yi, in his phone locate Officer Mu's number and using Anna's phone dialled him. When the call answered he stated "Officer Mu speaking."

"Officer Mu, it is Hou Yi here and my wife is with me."

"CEO and Madam Hou. I was just thinking about getting in contact with you to see how things are going."

"CEO Lu from Lu Corporation sent a somewhat indirect message through another CEO that he wanted me to contact him. While my wife is here I wanted to make that call, but given everything I do not trust him to comply with the terms of the restraining order so I was wondering if you would listen to the call, while it is on speaker phone?"

"Technically we are not allowed to do that CEO Lu, however given the implications of CEO LU's involvement in Madam Hou's assault, and the potential for breaching the restraining order I believe it can be justified."