Setting and Springing the Trap - Part 5

Wednesday, continued …

CEO Lu promptly spat back "My son is not a sexual predator, stop talking about him like that and give me the f*ck what I want."

Hou Yi, could not believe how easy this was getting. Yes, the bodyguards were a worry, but he had trained in multiple martial arts, and his bodyguards, made sure he trained not only to keep up his skills, but to protect himself, shoot with deadly accuracy, and ensured that his driving skills were almost as good as professional race car drivers. They left nothing to chance to ensure his safety, and here without Anna present, he was quite willing to use his skills, as he was not worried about the impact on her.

As he took three steps forward, in a tone laced with sarcasm, Hou Yi said "Poor you. You cannot take the truth, and I know exactly where he learnt it from."