The extent of wickedness - Part 9

Thursday continued ….

James was frustrated with Anna. While dealing with r*pe victims can be part of dealing with patients as a nurse, even a male nurse, it was never something he wanted to deal with for someone who he had deep feelings with. Professionally he could keep a distance, but with Alecia it was impossible.

The situation for him, even before he knew who was involved, was personally. His feelings from last night, when they were out on the balcony were confirmed. Despite their age difference and the reality in many countries a sexual relationship between them would be illegal, he knew how he felt.

He also could pick up that Alecia had significant feelings for him. That was obvious with her comments when the police wanted to throw him out of the room, and she claimed he was her boyfriend he absolutely wished that this was the truth. Also he knew she saw him as important as she continued the interview in English so he could understand what was happening.