The Extent of wickedness - Part 12

Thursday continued ….

"It is not about imposing your will, it is about her making the decision. She is sixteen, almost seventeen from what I understand…"

"Her and her brothers' birthday are Saturday."

"Well that is even more reason for her not to travel until Saturday night. Let her enjoy her birthday, as starting school Tuesday or Wednesday next week in Australia will not matter. I do not start back University for another week, and I only have one class for four weeks until I have my final placement hours. Given the circumstances I will talk to the university to work as much of my placement hours around her schooling so I can be there for a support. Let me ask her what she wants."

"I do not know…"

"Mr Yao if you did not think I could be trusted, this suggestion would not have been considered. All I want to do is talk to her face-to-face, rather than by phone."