The extent of wickedness - Part 20

Thursday continued ….


After running from Hou Yi's office Yao Tan immediately headed for his apartment rather than returning to XF International's office. He just hoped his fears would not be realised when he arrived home. His little girl was already damaged with what had happened and he did not need her damaged more.

During the fifteen minute trip back , he and Amanda were exchanging text messages, and given she was stuck there until the end of the day he promised her a car would pick her up.

As he arrived back at the apartment building, he ran to take his private elevator up to his apartment, but as the door was shutting, a foot stuck in the door. As it reopened two identical boys walked in he got "Hi Dad" in stereo.

Despite loving all his children, today he did not want to have to deal with them until he spoke to Alecia. "Boys, when you get up to the apartment, I need you to go to your rooms and remain there until I let you know you can leave."