Breaking the News - Part 2

Thursday, continued …

"Alecia, I want nothing. I am simply happy to come out with what I came in with and anything we build to be split. I …"

Placing her finger on James mouth Alecia said "James, I view that whatever we have, regardless of when we received it should simply be split between us if we ever split, which I do not believe will ever happen. But, I need Dad's agreement to marry and he will throw up every roadblock unless this happens. He needs to find it acceptable, but we can overturn it in the future you realise."

"Alecia!" responded James in a surprised voice.

"James, unlike my brothers I am awaiting the finalisation of my results that will see me eligible for university eighteen months before my brothers. Spending a little bit of time in the Australian Education system while you finish your studies before we return will be fun. Plus, I know I will be able to work part-time at XF International while I am at university. Dad did it, and I can do it."