Not Just another Friday - Part 3

Friday, continued …

9am, Police Headquarters

Lu Jinhu, accompanied by three armed corrections officers entered the police station for his pre-arranged interview. He was quickly escorted into an interview room with a corrections officer and two police officers, one of whom was Officer Mu, who was inserting the discs and USB sticks into the recording machines and starting the recordings.

"Mr Lu, you asked for this interview what can we do? You are aware that you are entitled to a Lawyer present?"

"I am aware, but I am waiving that requirement as given the terms of house arrest we have limited access to funds and any lawyer will be employed by my father, resulting in this case in a conflict."

Pointing to the corrections officer, he continued "As this gentleman or his colleagues can confirm I had a visit yesterday from my father, in response to his detention after an incident involved Hou Yi, which I understand occurred on Wednesday."

"Yes Mr Lu. What do you want to say?"