Not Just Another Friday - Part 8

Friday, continued …

"Sir, that is our decision on how we will support each other. Alecia is highly intelligent, and while she is coming to Australia with my so I can finish my degree …"

"Business I hope?"

"Actualy no, I am studying .."

"You are going to be a lawyer like your sister."

"Grandfather Yao, no. I am studying to be a nurse."

"Men are not nurses, that is a woman's job."

"Grandfather Yao, nursing is a profession, as much as being a doctor is. It is about caring for people and supporting them in dealing with their health."

"But that will not support my granddaughter." In a much louder voice he demanded "Tan get here now. How dare you let this …"

"Fahter calm down. Alecia and I hae debate this, and he is her choice. Let it be."

"Well you and I …"