Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 11

Saturday, continued …

Yao Tan continued "Alecia, just because you are smart and do not ask me how you did it, convinced a stockbroker to tact for a sixteen-year-old and can turn a good profit on the stock market that I will ever go easy on you in the business world."

"I suspect you had an adult helper to form the contracts for your stock market activities…" Yao Tan turned and looked at Amanda, who could not look him in the eye. "Thank you, my love, you confirmed exactly who was helping her. But despite that help, you have exceeded mine and your grandparent's expectations."

"Now James, in front of everyone there I have decided I am going to repeat the private warning I gave you. If you hurt my little girl, do not think I will let you live, and Alecia's godfather, despite being your brother-in-law, will not save you. He will help me make you pay if you hurt her."